Weedoo Workboats

White Paper

Workboat – Learn how mechanical plant harvesting can help you keep your waterways clean and safe. Read all the relevant research papers on our website or download your free copy today.

Herbicide resistance in Hydrilla verticillata and Other Aquatic Plants

Lori K. Benoit, Ph.D.

Total Maximum Daily Loading (TMDLs) and Mechanical Aquatic Harvesting

Dr. Bruce A. Richards
Chief Scientist Weedoo Shoreline Workboats, Inc.
West Palm Beach, Florida

Plant Fragmentation and Mechanical Aquatic Harvesting

Dr. Bruce A. Richards
Chief Scientist Weedoo Shoreline Workboats, Inc.
West Palm Beach, Florida

Reproductive toxicity due to herbicide exposure in freshwater organisms

Changwon Yang, Whasun Lim, Gwonhwa Song
Korea University, Kookmin University