Water bodies on golf courses are prone to weed overgrowth and debris accumulation, which can detract from the beauty of the course and even affect play.
Water bodies on golf courses are prone to weed overgrowth and debris accumulation, which can detract from the beauty of the course and even affect play.
Many aquatic weeds, such as hydrilla, duckweed, and cattails, die back in the fall but leave behind seeds, roots, or tubers that will regrow in the spring.
Duckweed control is crucial for maintaining healthy aquatic environments. Weedoo boats are a powerful tool to manage duckweed efficiently and safely.
Hydrilla remains a significant threat to aquatic ecosystems.
Cattails can spread rapidly, forming dense stands that are difficult to control. Their extensive root systems enable them to spread horizontally, creating large colonies.
Maintaining the beauty and health of community waterways is an important responsibility for every Homeowners Association (HOA).